Ned and Nigel
Here are my two guinea pigs , aren't they adorable!:) they are a new addition to my family, I have only had them for around a few months , and I look forward to many more months I have with them to learn more about there personalities and to connect with them more.
Guinea pigs have always been an animal that I have been interested in at a very young age, and it was only recently that I decided that I was going to do it , after lots and lots of research making sure I knew exactly what having Guinea pigs would be like and making sure I could handle them and their demands ;)
Even thought I have only had them for a few months I am pleased to say that I am so glad that i got them they have been a new interest to focus on and I look forward to coming home on a daily basis to see them and let them run around my garden, I have yet to find out exactly what their personalities are like but I know that Nigel (on the left second picture) is the more shy skittish one out of the two and Ned (the one on the right second picture) is more brave and curious but also skittish
I love hearing them scattering around in their hutch and squeaking when they are happy. they are so cute and I love them so much. you will be seeing lots more of them on my future blog posts.
Lucy xx
They're so cute!